调教 telegram 500 dishes of pigeon cuisine set Guinness World Record
"Among plenty of pigeon dishes, which one reigns supreme?" On September 28th, a skill exchange among Cantonese cuisine masters from Shenzhen and Zhongshan and the Third "Pigeon Cuisine" Competition took place in Zhongshan, showcasing the culinary skills of 100 Cantonese cuisine masters. The event featured a remarkable display of 500 pigeon dishes near the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link 调教 telegram, earning the Guinness World Record for the most varieties of pigeon dishes on display .
As a culinary highlight for Zhongshan, the competition has been held annually for three consecutive years and it is jointly organized by Shenzhen and Zhongshan this year. The event attracted 100 Cantonese cuisine masters from nine cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) to showcase their culinary skills.
Notably, 98% of the participating chefs represented 84 catering enterprises , presenting 300 unique dishes featuring Shiqi pigeon .
好利来 丝袜In the first month since the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge opened, its daily traffic exceeded 100,000 vehicles. As more people from Shenzhen are coming to Zhongshan for the pigeon cuisine, a popularity index for Zhongshan's pigeon cuisine was created—the "Pigeon Index". Local pigeon restaurants now display real-time updates on daily pigeon availability, making Shiqi pigeon a top-tier cuisine in the GBA and reflecting the vibrant interaction between the east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary .
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Combining the competition with an exhibition, the event effectively highlighted the achievements of the "Cantonese Cuisine Master" initiative, creating a visual and gastronomic feast. Additionally, 50 chef teams showcased 500 dishes of Guangming and Shiqi pigeon, successfully setting the Guinness World Record for the most varieties of pigeon dishes on display.
Source : Lingnan on the Cloud
文丨记者 周聪 通信员 林葳
图丨记者 宋金峪 实习生 李明惠
英文审校丨王枥焓调教 telegram